Changing the Face of the World!
Benjamin Franklin said that, “He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world.” That’s what Bible translation is — changing the face of the world. As you pray and support the work of Bible translation God is using you to make a real difference that will impact entire nations.
But anything that is so powerful is not easy. It takes sacrifice and great effort. For the last two weeks we have been working hard to carefully check the Kunda Bible translation. We are meeting with a Greek consultant who came from over 1800 miles away to check the translation. It has taken eight days to check the Gospel of Mark and now we are checking the Gospel of John.
Several Kunda men are volunteering their time to help us each day as we examine the translation. One man worked as a government clerk and retired in 2000. He is a faithful member of his church and serves on our Bible translation committee. When I asked him why he is giving so much time to the translation of the Bible into his own language, he replied, “I want to leave a legacy.” He understands the importance of “changing the face of the world” for God’s glory. Putting the Bible into his own language so the world of the Kunda people will be changed is worth all the effort.
We will not hide them from the children,
but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and His might,
and the wonders that He has done. — Psalm 78:4