Pray With Us

Please praise God with us for His blessings and join us in our prayer needs. You will also find these in our monthly newsletter.


  • Ken had a successful two-week trip with the Toka-Leya team earlier this month.
  • We are thankful for God leading us to some special ministry opportunities this year.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our Zambian co-workers and the fatigue from all the demands of ministry. Please pray for the new leaders being raised up to help as the ministry grows.
  • The staff in the Toka-Leya and Kunda Bible translation projects. That God’s Word would continue to impact their lives, their families, and all around them. The Kunda team has now started to translate the Old Testament.
  • God’s hand upon us as we travel next week to Zambia’s capital city, (it is a nine-hour drive), and for a special ministry trip.