We frequently receive questions about giving and the various ways you can support us. Please see the frequently asked questions below for more information.
There are three possible ways:
A. Checks can be sent to:
Partners in Bible Translation
PO Box 455
Richmond, OH 43944
Make checks payable to “Partners in Bible Translation” or simply “PIBT”.
B. Give online by following the “Get Involved!” link at the bottom right of our webpage, www. PartnersInBibleTranslation.org.

C. Give through Paypal by sending your gift to info@partnersinbibletranslation.org.
Write on your check what the gift is for. Unmarked checks will be used for Bible translation and literacy outreaches. You can click this link to see a list of special projects. Designations for special projects are also found on the online giving page.
Yes, your gifts are tax-deductible. Partners in Bible Translation is registered as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Your receipt, that is sent with each donation, and a year-end receipt, can be used for tax filing purposes. Only gifts marked as “Personal Gift for the Sawka family” are not tax-deductible.
With each missions gift your receipt is a guarantee that your support is received and will be used for the purpose you intended. PIBT is recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. It is overseen by a board of respected Christian elders and submits to annual accounting and certification in compliance with state and federal laws.
Besides the legal accountability, we encourage you to also write your missionary team directly and stay in close contact. Feel free to ask if your gifts are received or ask about any particular gifts which you designated for a particular need. They would be glad to report and tell you if your gift is being received.
Our pledge is to use your gift as you intend it to be. We frequently send you prayer letters and email updates informing you of how the ministry is progressing because of your gifts and prayers.
Contact the PIBT office at info@partnersinbibletranslation.org or by calling 740-765-4934 . You can also leave a message at our PIBT Office, 740-314-7400. We will call you back as soon as possible.
One-time online gifts cannot be converted to be recurring gifts because your credit card information is kept secure and cannot be retrieved when you gave a one-time gift. The only way is to make a new re-occurring gift is for you to go to the donation page, re-enter your information and select the “monthly, quarterly or annually” frequency option.
Contact the PIBT office at info@partnersinbibletranslation.org or by calling 740-765-4934 . You can also leave a message at our PIBT Office, 740-314-7400, and we will assist you in canceling your re-occurring gift as soon as possible.
Thank you for letting us know as this helps us to budget and plan for the ministries involved.
We can help you change credit cards, contact information and other details. Just contact our PIBT office at info@partnersinbibletranslation.org or by calling 740-765-4934. You can also leave a message at our PIBT Office, 740-314-7400, and we’ll call you back as soon as possible.
Yes, it is possible to receive a refund for a recent gift if you notify us quickly. You could contact our office and let them know the details including which credit card was used. PIBT will be charged a small additional fee by the online service provider.
Just contact the PIBT office at info@partnersinbibletranslation.org or by calling 740-765-4934. You can also leave a message at our PIBT Office, 740-314-7400, and we’ll call you back as soon as possible.
If you did not receive a receipt for your gift by check then contact the PIBT office.
If you did not receive a receipt for an online gift then you may contact ServiceNetwork.com at 406 363-0514 or you can email them at support@servicenetwork.com.
ServiceNetwork.com is authorized to handle online giving. With each gift you give online, they will send a receipt to the email address you supplied. The most common reason for not receiving a receipt for online giving is that it may be in your spam folder or is blocked by your email service provider.
A year-end receipt for all your online gifts for that calendar year is supplied by PIBT in January or February of the following year.
Contact PIBT at info@partnersinbibletranslation.org if there are any additional problems.
Missionary teams cannot leave their home country for an overseas assignment unless they have a minimum level of pledged support. However, once they are overseas and a supporter does not send in that monthly or annual amount the missionary team does not receive that amount. In other words, there is not another account or source from which a missionary’s budget receives assistance. If an overseas missionary’s support is not sustainable, they will either have to return home or cut back on what ministry they can do overseas.
The cost of processing gifts of support in 2019 was only 2.6% for checks and 4.2% for gifts given online. There is not other administrative cost and these percentages are very low compared to other mission agencies that assess gifts at 10% or at higher amounts.
Faithful prayer support and faithful monthly (or quarterly/annual) financial support is the best way to help a missionary to get the job done. Besides these things, being a part of other special needs which arise is also a great way to help bring the Good News of Jesus to every people group.