God Makes His Light Shine
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see … [but God has] made His light shine in our hearts….
2 Corinthians 4:4,6
Last Sunday it was rainy and miserable among the Kunda people in eastern Zambia. In fact, it rained so much in the next 24 hours, that we experienced a flood. We spent the next two days sloshing through muddy water a foot deep.

When it rains in Zambia, people tend to come late to a church service, or not come at all. But last Sunday morning we were blessed to walk into a church building and find three young men listening to the Kunda Scriptures. (They were using an audio device called a Proclaimer to listen to the Gospel of Luke which we had recorded three years ago). Behind them was a big cross, built into the wall with glass blocks, symbolizing the light of the Gospel upon their gathering:

Spending time in the Word of God enables these young men to live godly lives. And that is important, because in the Kunda areas, the spiritual realm is controlled by dark forces of ignorance, witchcraft, fornication, drunkenness, and a multitude of other vices. We know that God’s truth is the light that can bring hope to all nations. His truth pushes back the forces of evil as darkness raises its ugly head around the world.
Thank you for making this missionary work possible through your gifts and prayers. The recording of the Kunda New Testament will take another four weeks of work by 11 readers and 8 other staff members. After all 27 books of the New Testament are recorded the audio files will be edited. Soon, we hope to put these Scriptures on the local radio stations, phones, and on other audio devices so that everywhere the light of the Gospel will shine in people’s hearts. Rejoice!! God is using you to bring the light of Jesus to dispel the darkness.