The Joy of Christmas
I bring you Good News of great joy for all people. — Luke 2:10

There were no pine trees in the Congo, so we used an avocado tree for our Christmas tree in 1995. The tree came complete with some ornaments – green avocados hanging from the branches.
Do you remember what Christmas was like when you were a child? The colors, the wonder, the joy! We recall a Christmas in the Congo when our daughter, Sarah, was just three years old. The focus of the holiday was all about Jesus. Little Sarah waited for Christmas Day when Jesus would be born and appear in a manger that we had placed under a tree.
She was so excited and joyful the morning that the Savior had come. It wasn’t until the evening that she even bothered to open any presents, and then only at Mom and Dad’s urging.
Sarah is now 26 years old, married and on her own. All of our three children are grown and away from us. But we can still experience precious joys as we see others celebrate Jesus for the first time.
Thank you for bringing the joy of Christmas to many new souls. Your prayers and support make it all possible. Your gifts are “Jesus in you” bringing Good News to all the people!

Our family Christmas in Zambia 2005 Sarah (26) is now married in Ohio. Elisabeth (22) is in Bible School, and Isaac (18) is doing a gap year.