
The goal is not a printed Bible but God’s Word in the hearts of the people.
This is a time to be thankful for how God has provided. The gifts you have given have paid for the travel expenses of the Greek consultant who came from Cape Town South Africa. The translators rode a bus from 11 hours away, and Sue and I drove the nine hours from Chipata so that we could all meet in the capital city of Zambia.
We hope that you take joy in how He has provided and enabled a way for you to be a part of this great work. Your prayers and gifts make it possible for the Bible to be translated into more languages. Lives are being changed. The Gospel is going forth and God will be glorified among all peoples!

One of the women reached through Sue’s ministry. She cannot read, but she can listen to the Bible on the Proclaimer, a device that has the Bible recorded in her language.

Sue helps women learn to read.

Ken visits one of the Kunda review committees. It is exciting to see people reading the Word of God for the first time in rural areas. They are meeting in a church building.